
Tess Burningham is an adventurer, traveller, scuba diver, novelist and film maker. In 2011, she struck lightning in a bottle, making the #1 commercial of the Superbowl on a shoe-string budget. She has won several awards for her feature screenplays and was a semi-finalist in 2012‘s Writers of the Future competition. She is a trained marine archaeologist and currently lives off the coast of Southern California. As a partner at Mythmakers Entertainment, Tess aims to create classical tales full of new worlds and fantastic adventure.  She has a BA in Anthropology from UC Berkeley and an MFA in film production from USC. In her spare time she amuses herself by devising plots to take over the world.



July 2, 2013 | Announcement, Personal Author:

The Burning Zone is Up!!!

“Virtuous Dark” made Semi-Finalist in Writer’s of the Future Comp!

November 4, 2012 | Announcement, Breaking News!, Short Stories Author:

“Virtuous Dark”, my first short submission to the illustrious Writer’s of the Future Competition was short listed as a Semi-Finalist! That’s top 20 or so of thousands of entries.